Troye Sivan Posts Text Convo About His Leaked Nudes

“I look good.”
Image may contain Troye Sivan Human Person and Face
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Leaking someone’s nude pictures is such a terrible invasion of privacy. It leaves someone vulnerable and embarrassed, and it can also lead to bullying. It’s no different for celebrities, which is why we should absolutely never click on links that claim to show celebrities in the nude.

That said, if it happens, one way to deal with something humiliating than humor. And that's definitely how Troye Sivan handled things, when his nude pictures were leaked recently.

Troye posted a text exchange he had with his manager about the nudes and it is quite possibly the best way anyone could handle a nude picture leak.

“Have you seen it,” Troye texted. “I look good. Lmao.”

His manager responded that Troye should be proud. Even though Troye’s leak is probably pretty embarrassing for him, he’s taking it in stride. After the texts, Troye got serious.

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“Jokes aside, this sucks,” he said. He asked his fans not to share anything they think he wouldn’t want the world to see…which is probably his naked body. He used humor to cope with the leak because he said there’s nothing he can do now that the photos are out.

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Troye is definitely not alone with this latest leak. Other celebrities like Gabrielle Union, Leslie Jones, Justin Bieber and Jennifer Lawrence have all had their privacy invaded in this way. Jennifer Lawrence was very outspoken about how awful it was.

“Just because I’m a public figure, just because I’m an actress, does not mean that I asked for this,” Jennifer Lawrence told Vanity Fair. “It does not mean that it comes with the territory. It’s my body, and it should be my choice, and the fact that it is not my choice is absolutely disgusting. I can’t believe that we even live in that kind of world."

That’s exactly why nude photo leaks are wrong. It’s our choice what we do with our bodies. We shouldn’t have to expect that someone will expose us without our permission.